It is our desire to ignite every couple in our church with fun and passion for their marriage and for a God-centered home! There is no better gift to give a child than two parents who are madly in love with each other. We make sure to have special events throughout the year to help strengthen your marriage.

Each quarter, we host our Better 2gether LIVE night. Think of it as a one night marriage enrichment event of fun and encouragement! We invite you to celebrate life through laughter, friendship, food, music and an encouraging message from God’s word. One of the best things we can do for our family is to take time together by going on regular date nights. Keep that love and passion alive! Each month, we also provide a date night opportunity for ALL couples so that whether you are just dating or been married for 30 years you can have great conversation and laughs to build a strong and healthy relationship. All of our date night events are FREE with childcare provided.

We know and understand marital challenges. Our goal is to help you reclaim, heal, and build the marriage God intended for you. Great marriages are possible, and we would like to show you practical ways to restore and heal your marriage. Whether you want to reignite, strengthen, or rebuild your marriage, re|engage is a safe place for couples to reconnect. re|engage is offered through our pastors in conjunction with the PREPARE/ENRICH relationship assessment tool.

Every few months, we offer Kids' Night Out. This event is a FREE, great night for the kids to come out and have some fun, play games and eat food while they hang with their friends and our staff. It is a great time for the kids to build friendships with other Gear City friends and teachers. Meanwhile, you have a few hours to go do whatever you'd like to do - go on a date, workout, go shopping, clean house or rest. It's a win-win for everyone!